It’s that time of the year I am cutting Quiltworx kits for next year’s Quiltworx Technique of the month series. As I start the cutting of the kits, I was reflecting on the first batch of kits I cut for the first Technique of the month series I ran. It was Vintage Rose in 2019. So it was this time of the year in 2018 I cut those kits. Those kits were basic compared to how I do it now. The ladies attending that one would have received large pieces of width of fabric, some still on the bolt if it was a large amount of fabric.

Basically I didn’t cut the fabrics up into the sections, as I started do the following year, when we did Paradise in Bloom.

More refinement were made when I cut this year’s Glacier Star Worksop series. At the beginning of each workshop the students who chose to use Cynthia’s Ark to kit their kit received a monthly pack with their fabric for that month’s section ready to cut with their papers. Great time savings bonus. The hardest part for them was remembering what fabric went where.

This brings us to today, where I am working on cutting next year’s Coral Reef kits. For next year the students will receive their monthly packs and each piece of fabric will be labelled, to make it even easier for the students to match their papers to their fabrics. This should eliminate the question of where all the fabrics go in each section.

Each section in its own pile ready for bagging.

One of the questions asked by one of my new students to these workshops was What is the cost to have my kit cut this way?

She was pleasantly surprised when I said there is no extra charge, after she had spend 3 hours in store completing this stage. It is included in your workshop fee. In the fee you get 7 full day workshops over seven months, the pattern and a session in store with me selecting fabrics for their kits. Then it’s left with me to cut. How cool it that!

You can use this service in store for any of our Quiltworx workshops and retreats at no extra charge.

Now if you want to do a Quiltworx at home without doing a workshop with me. I am happy to help you out and put a kit together and cut it for each section with a label for a fee. The fee will depend on the pattern chosen.

From the ladies who attended this year’s workshop series, they would highly recommend this service. It is a big time saver in class.

Until Next Time

Keep Stitching


2 Responses

  1. With having bolts of material for my first one, I love the simplicity of knowing I rock up for my monthly lesson to see my material all cut ready to go. No more looking at material bolts thinking how I am going to get through it all. So much easier just having to do the final cutting of the pattern. Such a timesaver for us. The inclusion of the name lists with each months pack is going to be a time saver too. Thanks so much Cynthia.

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