We have spent time over the Christmas -New Year break revamping the store, some new shelving, rearranging the shop, cleaning and moving stock around. It’s a big job. There is a few more jobs in the pipeline, but currently we are done.

With all this moving around there is a lot of stock that has been here quite a while. Some bolts don’t have a lot left of them and some look like we have hardly sold any of them. So we are going to start the year off with a bang and you will be able to get some great bargains. I have been putting some of the sale items on the website ahead of time. This is a great way for those who don’t live close enough to grab some of the bargains.

As you can see there is lots of variety, so hopefully there is something for everyone. There is blenders, Batiks, novelty print, stripes, borders, some widebacks and yes there is some Tilda fabrics. Prices start at $5 per metre to $20 per metre for the widebacks.

I hope you will pop in over the weekend if you can. If you don’t live close enough for a visit you are welcome to message me on Facebook or call the shop if something interest you.

Until next time

Keep Stitching


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