With Christmas just around the corner and a couple of week off ahead, I am just trying to finish a few projects off before the end on the year. Mainly so they don’t end up on my Unfinished Projects list, plus there is at least one that has been on there for a few years I would like to cross off.

I am a little worried what the list is going to look like at the end of the year. Will it look pretty much unchanged or have I manage to finish more off than I think. We will see soon enough, but in the meantime I am working on finishing this one.

I have the binding left to do. Once again beautifully quilted by Valerie from House of Valerie. You all know how much I love her work. This one is a lot different from what I normally make these days, starting with the fact it is not a Quiltworx project. It is traditional pieced quilt. This is a great pattern for your large floral prints in your stash or we have some large prints in store. We can easily create a custom kit for you, using the fabric in store. We are happy to help you create your own version. Pattern will be available in store soon.

You can see the beautiful quilting better.

I got the binding on by the end of the day. So now it is finding the time to finish it off. Home stretch for this one. It joins my Quilt as you go project that is at this stage too.

With two at this stage, it didn’t stop me from preparing the next lot of binding for my next finish.

If I am lucky I will get this binding on the third project on Saturday afternoon, bringing the three projects to the final stages. I hope this binding works, normally I won’t use a white for a binding options. I changed the border fabric and that left me stuck for binding. What I wanted to use was the same print in a different colourway and it just didn’t work in my eyes. I tried the other fabrics I had left from the range, but none of them worked. The grey spot is all through the quilt and looked the best option. So it won out.

Pictures coming soon.

Until Next Time Keep Stitching


One response

  1. Oh wow, you really are racing to the finish line – wish I could say the same. Great work and I just love the colours in the floral quilt. It looks like a really bright colourful quilt.

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